Contact our certified reporting agency & our official litigation services
We will gladly assist you with all of your litigation support needs. Call us at 866-650-1800 for any questions or fill out our request form and we will review the information and get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact Us Anytime 24/7
713.650.1800 (direct)
866.650.1800 (toll-free)
713.650.6245 (fax)
[email protected]
We have local certified court reporters and legal videographers across Texas and nationwide.
Corporate Office
826 Heights Boulevard
Houston, TX 77007
Phone: 713.650.1800
Fax: 713.650.6245
Dallas / FW Office
3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75234
Phone: 214.699.7848
Fax: 800.544.3218
Austin Office
108 Wild Basin Road, Suite 250
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: 512.240.2979
Fax: 800.544.3218
San Antonio Office
4040 Broadway Street, Suite 240
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: 830.488.7858
Fax: 800.544.3218
Corpus Christi
College Station
The Woodlands
Corporate Office
826 Heights Boulevard
Houston, TX 77007
Phone: 713.650.1800
Fax: 713.650.6245
Dallas / FW Office
3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75234
Phone: 214.699.7848
Fax: 800.544.3218
Austin Office
700 Lavaca, Suite 1400
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: 512.240.2979
Fax: 800.544.3218
San Antonio Office
8000 IH 10 West, Suite 600
San Antonio, TX 78230
Phone: 830.488.7858
Fax: 800.544.3218
Document Repository
Southwest Reporting and Southwest Record Service provide many options for document management and repository services. We understand the key role data dissemination and document management play in a successful case.
We offer Internet data access with search and retrieval capabilities for your record files, depositions and exhibits. We also offer document and exhibit imaging and file conversion services such as PDF, JPG and others.