New Year Resolutions

January 7, 2015

“Who had the idea of slicing time into pieces, which were given the name of year, was a genius person. Industrialized hope pushing people to the limits of their exhaustiveness.

Twelve months are enough for any human being to get tired and give up.

Then comes the miracle of renovation and all stars once again we pick up another number wishing that from now on everything will be different.” Carlos Drummond

We hope everyone’s new year has been everything and more so far. What kind of goals have you put in place for yourself this year?

Here at Southwest we constantly set our standards high. Our goal, this year and the past years, is to maintain the highest levels of proficiency and customer satisfaction possible. We strive to go above and beyond the average. At Southwest, customer service isn’t just a slogan; it’s a way of life.

Since it’s the New Year, we want to state a few of our goals and qualities that make us stand out. Although we have already been implementing these goals for many years, it’s always beneficial to reiterate them. These are some qualities that separate mediocre court reporters from the great ones:

Technical Skills

Most deposition reporters possess real time reporting skills and the typing speed to keep up with even the most loquacious depositions. But it’s what happens after a deposition comes to an end that determines a reporter’s “technical” value to an attorney, particularly in terms of video/text synchronization and text syncing. Video/text synchronization allows attorneys skip to different points in a video deposition with ease, while text synchronization streams a deponent’s words at the bottom of the video screen as they speak. Both applications can significantly impact a jury’s impression of a deponent’s testimony.

Professional Appearance

That a court reporter should have a professional seems to go without saying, and most of them do. But there are also reporters appear to forget, or don’t seem to care, that not maintaining a professional appearance can impact a deposition. While most attorneys would like for depositions to feel relaxed to put deponents at ease, no attorney wants a deposition to appear non-professional, lest the deponent think that the proceeding is a “joke” and respond accordingly. It may sound strange to call a well-chosen business wardrobe a skill. But in court reporting, it actually is.

Professional Demeanor

Court reporters aren’t known for putting their personalities into their job, nor should they be; during a deposition, it’s the deponent’s personality that matters most. There are numerous factors that can influence a reporter’s demeanor during depositions, particularly prejudice, intolerance for boredom and animosity toward certain criminals. To avoid these characteristics, attorneys typically consult a court reporting agency that screen court-reporters on their personality as well as their credentials.


Some court reporters are only willing to conduct depositions in official locations (e.g. complimentary suites provided by their reporting agency versus meeting at the deponent’s residence), and are not willing to perform last minute depositions. But a top court reporter will always do what it takes to help an attorney get information that strengthens his or her case.

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