Exhibiting at the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting

June 23, 2015

Last week we had the pleasure of exhibiting at the State Bar of Texas annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. With over 2,000 attorneys in attendee, we were able to showcase Southwest’s services to many great and new people. We saw some familiar faces at the seminar and met many new ones as well. We also brought a lot of giveaways for anyone who came and visited our booth. Some of the items we gave away were customized coffee mugs, 16GB USB drives, and stylus pens. Attending the seminar also gave us the opportunity to display our top of the line service, e-PiP. Our owner, Tim McCarble, was personally in attendance and able to answer any and all of the questions that were asked about e-PiP and other services that Southwest provides. Overall, we enjoyed our experience at the seminar and made some new friends and got to catch up with some old ones. We will be exhibiting at more seminars in the near future. So, keep an eye out for us and don’t be afraid to stop by and say hello!

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